Several governmental jurisdictions within Grundy County do not have an election on April 2nd. That’s because of a state law that allows them to forgo an election when they have the same number of candidates file as there are open positions.
School districts meeting the criteria of two candidates for two board member positions include Spickard, Pleasant View R-6, Princeton, and Newtown Harris. Both Grundy R-5 and Jamesport Tri-County have three candidates for three seats to be filled. Pleasant View and Spickard school districts will need write-ins to fill one open seat each on their board because no one filed for an unexpired two-year term
The Trenton R-9 School District has only two candidates for two positions but their names will be on the ballot because of the “no tax increase” levy issue for construction and renovation projects. It’s a similar situation at Laredo and Meadville school districts. Names of two candidates appear on the ballot for two open seats on the board, but patrons will decide a tax issue. In Laredo, it’s the continuation of an operating levy. For Meadville, it’s continuing the debt service levy of the district.
Small towns not having an election include Galt and Brimson. Spickard does have an election because no one filed for mayor and there are two candidates for two seats on the board of aldermen. Spickard Road district has an unexpired term to be filled by write-ins. Tindall also will use write-ins for the Mayor and the council. Laredo has four candidates for two aldermen at large positions and a revenue bond issue for improvements to the water and sewer system.
Others not having a ballot for the election this time include the Grundy County Public Water Supply District Number One; the Linn Livingston County Public Water District Three; and Grundy County Nursing Home District.
Still, others that will forgo an election include the Grundy County Rural Fire Protection District; the Laredo Fire Protection District; and several Grundy County townships. The townships having four candidates file for four open positions include Jackson, Jefferson, Liberty, Lincoln, Madison, Marion, Myers, and Taylor. Among other townships, a partial ballot was completed with the candidate filings.
There are some races which include Franklin township who has four running for two seats on the board; Trenton Township has two candidates for trustee; Wilson township has five candidates for two board member seats plus the clerks position is to be determined by write-ins. Write-ins also will fill the positions that are up for election in Harrison and Washington townships. Seven of the townships also decide a 35 cent tax levy in the April 2nd election. Those are in Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Madison, Marion, Myers, and Wilson.