Ninety-one attend Spickard Alumni Banquet

Alumni Banquet
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Ninety-one registered guests attended the 101st Spickard Alumni Banquet, hosted by the class of 1968, in the Spickard School Gym Saturday.

Special recognition was given to 2019 Spickard School District graduate Rodney Lawrence, 10 members of the 50 year class of 1969, 60-year class attendee Donnie Stephens, and 65-year class attendees Vera Lynn and Jean Kincade.

The alumni member traveling the farthest was Karen Frisbie from New York. The oldest class represented was 1950 with Dixie Yates attending.

The honored class of 1969 had the largest percentage present, with attendees being Gary Speck, Connie Hall Steele, Cindy Coon Kelsall, Nancy Hathaway, Cornelia Webb Hardy, Terry Bryan, John Keith, Richard Cunningham, and Billy Wilson.

Bruce Lenhardt provided a memorial service for six Spickard alumni who died in the last year: Orma Jean Clemmons Mason from the class of 1947, Barbara Perry McVay from 1954, Thomas Bert Swafford 1956, Leon Crawford 1963, Roger Wilson 1966, and Callie Crawford Jeffers from the class of 1994.

Terry Bryan and DeLyla Alexander were accepted as honorary members of the Spickard Alumni Association. They attended Spickard School but did not graduate from the school.

Patsy Bryan Holt donated two Spickard Pirate t-shirts for a raffle with Larry Crawford and Greg Coon winning the shirts. The Spickard Alumni Association made $108 on the raffle tickets. Stout Catering of Princeton provided the meal.

The class of 1969 will be in charge of hosting next year’s alumni banquet on the Saturday night before Mother’s Day.

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