The Newtown-Harris R-3 Board of Education approved the purchase of accounting and payroll software this week.
Principal Dustin Freeman reports the Software Unlimited purchase will cost $7,285 for next school year. The current software the district uses will no longer be available.
The board approved sharing the cost of a new refrigerator at the ballpark and bids were reviewed for propane, but a decision was tabled until the June meeting.
Application materials were reviewed for the position of Principal with interviews to be conducted with the approved applicants.
The board approved a coop with Grundy County R-5 for junior high basketball as well as varsity softball, baseball, and basketball for next school year and A Plus students were approved. They are Chey Blanchard, Lauren Fordyce, Emily Otto, and Amanda Tucker.
Guidelines for the 2019 Summer credit recovery program were approved.
The board discussed a four-day school week before tabling the decision until the fall.