The Newtown-Harris R-3 Board of Education last week approved the 2022-2023 school calendar. The first day of school will be August 23rd, and the last day is scheduled for May 26th, 2023.
A calendar adjustment was approved for 2021-2022. Superintendent Doctor Lucas McKinnis reports a professional development day was moved from April 18th to April 25th.
Certified staff was renewed.
The senior trip to Branson was approved.
The board approved a transfer of $18,000 from the general expenditures fund to the capital projects fund to help cover the cost of a van purchased a few weeks ago. McKinnis notes the van cost a little more than $18,000.
Principal Kim Palmer reported sports physicals will be done on March 31st. They will be available for students who complete forms and get parental consent.
There is an opportunity to take the ACT on April 5th.
The Highway Patrol is to do seat belt and drunk driving simulations with older students.
McKinnis reported an earthquake drill last month went well. A tornado drill was planned for this week after staff members had a chance to go over a new drill procedure.
Work continues on the Newtown-Harris Continuous School Improvement Plan. McKinnis said belief statements had been reviewed, mission and vision statements were discussed, and the process had begun of researching and gathering data for goals and strategies.
McKinnis attended superintendent meetings in Macon and Kirksville. One presenter at Macon provides legal services and identity protection services for staff for a monthly fee. Another presenter was John Woods College, which offers bus driver training. At Kirksville, Nancy Halferty discussed Graceland’s agreement with North Central Missouri College to host a teacher certification program for working adults at the campus in Trenton.
McKinnis also attended a meeting with State Representative Danny Busick. Busick discussed education bills and funding. McKinnis said there was some worry about the number of “bad bills” being considered that would negatively impact education, and Busick was “very receptive” to concerns.
Newtown-Harris is in the process of switching its student information system to Lumen. McKinnis noted the current system is old and not receiving updates anymore.
The district is looking into expanding its track program to include more events so Newtown-Harris is shopping for equipment.
Two bus drivers have been added, so McKinnis believes transportation is running more smoothly than it had been.