NCMC Board of Trustees Tackles Potential Construction on Campus

NCMC Geyer Hall
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Architect Jeremy Proctor with Ellison-Auxier Architects of Saint Joseph gave a presentation at the North Central Missouri College Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday evening about potential construction for the college.

The construction could include replacing campus housing with new residence halls, the demolition of several college buildings, and the addition of parking spaces and a student services building.

Proctor said a new residence hall with a typical L-shaped layout could have two floors with 25,000 square feet and room for 92 beds. The student center would be a stand-alone building. Proctor noted that no location had been set yet for any of the construction but projected construction costs would be about six point two million dollars with soft costs. He believes that if the board went out to bid soon, a lot of contractors would submit bids.

NCMC President Doctor Lenny Klaver said students say the college lacks a “real college feel” and he would like to have a new residence hall open by the fall of 2020. The timeline would depend on finances and adding more programs but Klaver would like to keep students in on-campus housing. He added that NCMC might have to supplement financing with fundraising.

Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Doctor Kristen Alley reported about 10 students are put on a wait list for on-campus housing each fall. She said sometimes the college loses students due to them being put on a waitlist. Trustee Doctor John Holcomb called the construction plan “ambitious and aggressive” and said he liked it.

Vice President of Academic Affairs Doctor Tristan Londre reported the State Board of Nursing visited NCMC and approved the nursing program for 10 years and that there are 10 new online spots.

The Higher Learning Commission is expected to visit in 2021 and Londre said teams will be formed regarding criteria for the visit. Criteria was changed slightly, and criterion 2 related to the board of trustees almost entirely.

Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Alley reported the Student Senate Cabinet has been elected. Katie Blanchard was elected president, T. J. Hudlemeyer vice president, and Gregoor Moesker as secretary. She said the Student Senate won a contest collecting money for flooding victims against faculty and staff.

Alley noted the number of submitted student applications for NCMC is up from this time last year. Summer applications are up by eight, and fall is up by 56. Alley said resident assistants have been hired and will begin in the fall.

Green Hills Head Start Directors Janet Gott and Sue Ewigman reported on a one-week training they attended. Ewigman said it will take about two to four years to implement any major changes and hopes to partner with charitable groups to better serve the communities in the area.

President Klaver reported the Head Start Trenton facility approval process continues. The process includes the transition of files from 2017 to 2019 and a pre-construction meeting next week.

Klaver reported on meetings he attended including the National Junior College Athletic Association Leadership Conference and Presidents Council. He wrote a report on academic integrity and said NCMC athletes generally have good grade point averages.

Klaver said he voted in favor of a rule involving Division 3 level schools allowing a third year of competition. He explained the student cannot transfer schools and must participate all three years at one school. Klaver noted the NJCAA has no formal policies.

Brandt Shields from United States Senator Roy Blunt’s Office told him that he thought the Lincoln Days held in the Ketcham Community Center was better than when the event was held in Saint Joseph.

Klaver gave an update on legislative news noting the State Senate Appropriations Committee finalized changes to the higher education budget. The budget includes Governor Mike Parson’s recommendation over the House to have $16,335,975 for MoExcels. It does not include funding added by the House of $332,500 for Crowder College nursing expansion. Associate Vice President for Business and Finance Tyson Otto reported it will save NCMC about $1,400.

Klaver reported he met with new Trenton Mayor Linda Crooks on how NCMC and the city can work together and benefit both.

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