The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) invites women to discover nature at a summer workshop this May. The weekend workshop will take place May 13 – 15 at Mark Twain Lake’s Bourdreaux Visitor Center, located at 21629 Missouri Highway J, near Perry.
Participants have the option to choose their activities on Saturday from either archery, shotgun shooting, and geocaching, or safe boat operation, canoeing, and rifle shooting. On Sunday, participants can choose any one of four courses on fishing fundamentals, campfire cooking, handguns, or nature crafts.
Registration and check-in are from 4:30 – 6 p.m. on Friday, May 13, followed by a water safety presentation and information about the Mark Twain Lake area.
After Saturday’s core courses, the Raptor Rehabilitation Center in Quincy, Ill., will provide a raptor presentation with live birds.
The Discover Nature – Women Summer Workshop provides a safe and friendly environment where women experience hands-on outdoor skills training at the beginner level. Taught by a team of longtime professionals, courses will be held at and around the Boudreax Visitor Center.
Registrants must submit a $45 deposit fee for weekend cabin lodging. However, if attendees wish to secure other lodging, including free camping nearby, the deposit fee will be returned. Lunch and dinner will be provided on Saturday.
While the workshop is designed for women 18 years and older, girls ages 14-17 are also welcome if accompanied by an adult woman.
Space is limited for this special outdoors opportunity, and participants must preregister by April 11. To learn more about the Discover Nature – Women Summer Workshop, or to reserve a spot today, call MDC Outdoor Skills Specialist Rob Garver at (660)785-2420, or email