Missouri Veterans Recognition Program expands to include Gulf War, Iraq

Missouri Veterans Recognition program
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 Missouri’s Veterans Recognition Program is now accepting applications from Veterans who served on active duty during recent conflicts in Iraq.

The Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield and Operation Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn Veterans Recognition Awards are now being offered to eligible Missourians, said retired Chief Warrant Officer 4 James Ortmeyer, the Veterans Recognition Program manager.

“The awards are currently in the procurement stage and based on previous programs, barring any unforeseen problems, will be available for distribution in the spring timeframe,” Ortmeyer said. “We will start accepting applications at this time, which will allow us to expedite distribution when the awards are received.”

To be eligible for the award, Veterans must be a legal resident of Missouri when applying, or have been a legal Missouri resident when they enlisted, were discharged, or died. Members of a Missouri National Guard Unit during the specified dates are eligible regardless of their residency if they meet all other qualifying requirements. Veterans must also have received an honorable discharge, still be inactive, honorable status, or have been in an honorable status at their time of death.

Any Veteran who served in the US or overseas from Aug. 7, 1990, to June 7, 1991, or March 19, 2003, to Dec. 15, 2011, is eligible for the award. Active duty for training does not qualify as active duty for this award.

Any Veteran who meets the eligibility requirements is entitled to a medallion, medal, and certificate. Spouses or eldest living survivors of Veterans who meet the eligibility requirements but died prior to applying for the program are also eligible to receive the award.

Other awards available to eligible Veterans through the Veterans Recognition Program are the Vietnam, Korea, World War II and World War II Jubilee of Liberty awards.

For more information on how you can apply visit the webpage at MoGuard.com and click on the Resources tab at the top, and then select Veteran Awards. You can also visit us on Facebook at Missouri Veterans Recognition Program.

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