Missouri State Parks offers free camping for Missouri residents displaced by flooding

Missouri State Parks
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Missouri residents, who have been displaced by recent flooding, are eligible to stay in any Missouri State Park campground without cost.

“Our hearts go out to those who have had to leave their homes to find safety,” said Carol Comer, director of Missouri Department of Natural Resources. “We hope people can find some comfort in Missouri State Parks while they wait for the waters to recede and not have to worry about a financial burden about where to stay.”

Missouri residents will be allowed to stay up to 30 days in any state park campground. All campsites will be available on a first-come, first served basis. Campers will need to bring their own camping equipment and other supplies.

“Recent flooding has devastated many families and individuals,” said Ben Ellis, director of the Division of State Parks. “This is one way Missouri State Parks can assist them until they can return to their homes.” 

People requesting the fee waiver should provide documentation from a governmental or charitable organization certifying they have been displaced by flooding in any county in Missouri.

For more information about Missouri state park campgrounds, call 800-334-6946 (voice) or 800-379-2419 (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) or visit mostateparks.com.

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