Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft announced that the Judicial Redistricting Commission has filed Missouri State Senate redistricting maps with his office. Ashcroft, as secretary of state, serves as the chief elections officer for Missouri.
The district maps were received by Ashcroft’s office yesterday at 4:48 pm from the Office of Administration and will soon be available on the Missouri Secretary of State website.
“I applaud the House citizen panel for their quick and unanimous efforts regarding Missouri House districts and, as well, want to thank the judges for finishing the new senate districts while candidate filing is still open,” Ashcroft said. “Running for office is a great endeavor. I commend those willing to put forth the hard work and financial resources required to run a campaign.”
Candidate filing will continue through March 29 during regular office hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. For a current list of filed candidates, visit this link. For more information on candidate filing, visit this link.