Nine local businesses and organizations will be providing cash prizes to the winners of Saturday’s Missouri Day Festival Parade, sponsored by the Trenton Rotary Club.
According to parade committee member Cara McClellan, cash prizes will range from $50 to $200 for the winning entries. Awards to be presented and their monetary sponsors include Spirit of Missouri Day (overall winner), $200, Wright Memorial Hospital; Best Business Entry, $100, MFA Agri-Services; Best Organizational Entry, $100, American Family Insurance; Best Religious Entry, $100, GFG; Best Youth Entry, $100, Grundy County Health Department; Best Equestrian Entry, $50, US Bank; Best Vehicle Pre-1960, $50, Hangar Clinic; Best Vehicle, Post-1960, $50, ASAP Locksmith; and Best Tractor Entry, $50, North CentralMissouri College Barton Farm.
Individuals, groups, and organizations wanting to participate in the parade still have time to enter online by going to the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce website,, and click on the Missouri Day Festival tab, then click on parade information, where persons will be asked to click on “visit the website.” An entry form will then pop up, which can then be completed before hitting submit.
There is a $25 charge for political entries (candidates, political affiliates, etc). The Rotary Club is asking for a suggested fee of $20 for all other entries (although not required). All entry money collected is being used by the club to help match a grant the club is seeking to purchase “inclusive” playground equipment for the Trenton Park Department.
Missouri Day activities get underway on Thursday night with a soup supper from 5 to 7 p.m. at the First Baptist Church. The Trenton Area Ministerial Alliance is sponsoring the event, with proceeds going to the TAMA homeless mission project.
Former Trenton R-9 Band instructor Buddy Hannaford will be the guest speaker and talk about the Missouri Day Band Festival, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Charlie Davidson will be recognized as the parade grand marshal and awards will be presented for the coloring, yard decorating, window decorating and scarecrow contests. The Trenton High School Vocal Music Department, under the direction of Tyler Busick, will present four songs to end the evening.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday feature a full schedule of activities, with Friday featuring a talent show. Atlatl competition begins on Friday and continues through Sunday. The North 65 Center will also hold a dance.
Saturday’s schedule kicks off with the parade, along with other Missouri Day Band Festival activities in the high school gymnasium and C.F. Russell Stadium. A shuttle will be available from the First Baptist Church parking lot from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to help alleviate parking issues in the festival area.
On Sunday, Trenton Elks Lodge No. 801 will have a car show in downtown Trenton and members of the Mic-O-Say Dancers will perform at the festival grounds. Vendors will be open throughout the three-day event, offering various items for sale. The Grundy County Museum will also be open on Saturday and Sunday.
A special section featuring the entire Missouri Day schedule, as well as special events being held throughout the weekend, will be included in Tuesday, October 11 issue of the Trenton Republican-Times as well as this week’s Green Hills Shopper.