Livingston County deputies attend advanced vehicle training

Livingston County Deputies
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Livingston County Sheriff Steve Cox reports that Deputy Nicholas Leadbetter and Deputy Chris Mueller recently attended the Missouri State Highway Patrol Training Academy for the Emergency Vehicle Operations Course 2. The advanced instruction course refreshed the practical driving skills as well as skid control, evasive driving, highway response, and vehicle pursuits.

The advanced instruction course refreshed the practical driving skills as well as skid control, evasive driving, highway response, and vehicle pursuits.

During the training officers utilized Dodge Chargers, Ford Explorers, and Chevrolet Tahoe’s with each set of 2 officers were provided with 1 instructor. The officers honed their patrol and emergency driving skills which increases roadway and officer safety.

The officers are required to conduct pursuit training where they operate high speeds in a pursuit of their instructor.  The officers are given obstacles and additional challenges other than the high speed and emergency equipment to work at high-stress and maintain safe and proper control of the emergency vehicle. All work is evaluated.


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