Laredo Board of Education approves makeup days

Laredo R-7 School
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The Laredo R-7 Board of Education Monday approved recommended makeup days for this school year.

Laredo will now be in session February 18th and March 15th. Administrator Misty Foster reports the district has missed 11 days so far this school year, and nine need to be made up. She said the other makeup days have been added to the end of the year, and more may be added if needed. The last day of school for Laredo is now scheduled for May 20th.

The board also adopted the calendar for the next school year. The first day of school for 2019-2020 will be August 20th, and the last day of school is scheduled for May 7th, 2020.

An audit bid from Conrad and Higgins, LLC was approved for three years. An advertisement will be run for mowing bids. The board approved the date and time for the Spring Concert which will be held the evening of April 23rd at 6 o’clock.

The deadline for the Murphy Scholarship was announced as March 11th. Foster says the scholarship is given to one senior at an area high school who formerly attended Laredo. The scholarship is for $500 per semester of the student’s first year in college.

The board entered into an executive session for personnel, with no announcements made.

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