The livestock show was the highlight of the day Thursday at the annual fair in Jamesport with categories including rabbits, sheep, and poultry. A swine show was held this morning, and we hope to have those results for you soon.
The weather has been perfect for fun at the fair, with an ice cream social to be held this evening starting at 6 o’clock. A pet show, as well as a talent show, will be held this evening at 7 o’clock, with kids games to follow. A Super Farmer contest is on tap for tonight, those interested should contact Amy Holder.
Results for the livestock show are as follows:
Best of Show- Brylee Bowles-Bethany
Best 4 Class- Brylee Bowles
Best 6 Class- Robyn Snuffer- Jamesport
Jr Showmanship- Chloe Clements- Dawn
Sr Showmanship- Brylee Bowles- Bethany
Grand Ram- Kale Batson- Trenton
Reserve Ram- Jacey Cook- Hamilton
Grand Ewe- Kayce Messner- Albany
Grand Res Ewe- Kayce Messner- Albany
Grand Market- Kayce Messner- Albany
Reserve Grand Market- Kendra Betz- Trenton
Sr Showmanship- Kendra Betz
Jr Showmanship- Kayce Messner
Champion Bantam- Leslie Birkenholtz- Maryville
Reserve Bantam- Evan Tharp- Milan
Champion Chicken- Leslie Birekenhotlz- Maryville
Reserve Chicken- Brittney Myers- Bethany
Champion Waterfowl- Garrett McCrary- Bethany
Best in Show- Leslie Birekenholtz
Reserve Best in Show- Garrett McCrary- Bethany