Bright Futures Trenton Co-coordinator Terri Critten has shared totals from last week’s Grundy County Back-to-School Event.
She reports that 63 students received haircuts, 317 Trenton R-9 and Grundy County Head Start students received backpacks and supplies, 21 Spickard students received supplies and backpacks, and 43 Laredo students received supplies and backpacks. 219 students received clothing at the Trenton First Baptist Church, 350 students got Bulldog clothing through Pass the Pride, 148 students received recycled gym shoes, and 232 students received new shoes through the Hodge Presbyterian Church’s shoe ministry. Hygiene kits were distributed to 266 students, new socks were given to 281 students, and new underwear was given to 244 students. Ninety-eight families received detergent.
The Trenton Kiwanis Club cookout had 110 attendees, the BTC Bank pool party had 120 attendees, and the Trenton Cinema had 114 attendees who received popcorn and drinks.
Applications were taken for the Bright Futures Trenton Food Pals program.
Critten reports that 175 volunteers helped with the Grundy County Back to School Event. She notes there were more volunteer hours in preparation for the event.