As the Trenton High School homecoming parade rolls through the streets on Friday afternoon, THS Principal Ron Franklin would like to point out the work students have done with class projects in putting together their class floats:
The homecoming parade begins at 2 o’clock as entries leave the THS parking lot. The route travels north on Normal, west on 17th Street, south on Harris Avenue, then east on 9th Street to Bulldog Avenue before returning to THS. The parade’s grand marshal is Marsha Hurst. The unsung hero is Donna Dougan.
Pregame activities at C.F. Russell Stadium begin at 6:20 tonight. The football game with the Milan Wildcats is at 7 o’clock. The homecoming dance is 9:30 to 11:30 in the THS gym. Music will be provided by DJ Kevin Klinginsmith of Trenton.
It is also Homecoming Friday at Princeton High School. The parade begins at 2 o’clock. After the parade, a pep rally is scheduled at the school. There will be a tailgate supper starting at 5:30. The football game, featuring Princeton hosting Putnam County, kicks at 7 o’clock. A homecoming dance runs from 10 to midnight for 9th through 12th grade students.