Grundy R-5 Board of Education approves bids

Grundy R-5 School
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The Grundy County R-5 Board of Education approved a few bids at its meeting Monday evening.

One approval involved radios for school buses. The board chose the bid from L and B Electronics of Eldon for four bus radios and a radio base for $4,625. Midwest Mobile Radio Services of Saint Joseph also submitted a bid.

Another bid regarded repair to the girls’ bathroom ceiling at the elementary school. The board approved the bid from Kramer Contracting of Jamesport for $3,210.

A licensing agreement was approved with SOCS to maintain a website for Grundy R-5. The agreement is for three years at a cost of $1,400 each year.

The board approved a transportation agreement with the Laredo R-7 School District to transport high school students from Laredo to Grundy R-5.

Membership was renewed in the Missouri Association of Rural Education and the annual tax rate hearing was set for the evening of August 13th at 5 o’clock. The regular monthly meeting will follow at 5:15.

In an executive session, the board voted to offer a contract for a school bus driver as well as coaching contracts for fall and spring baseball, junior high boys basketball, and varsity girls basketball.

Superintendent Phil Fox reports the names of the individuals offered contracts will be held until signed contracts are returned.

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