Grundy R-5 Board of Education approves balanced budget for 2019-2020

Grundy R-5 School
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A balanced budget has been approved by the Grundy R-5 Board of Education.

Meeting Wednesday evening, the board accepted the 2019-20 budget which shows a surplus for the year of nearly $9,800. Anticipated revenues are listed at $2,388,055. Projected expenditures are $10,000 at $2,378,261.

A purchase was approved to have three school buses from Masters Transportation at a cost of $72,500. Approval was given for Grundy R-5 to participate in a bus mechanic co-op with the Princeton school at a cost of $12,000.

A discussion was held on a co-op with the Newtown Harris school for 2019-20. The districts will co-op in varsity softball and baseball; as well as girls and boys basketball for the junior high and high school grades.

Grundy R-5 will continue with the A-plus program for high school students.

Elementary instructor Amanda Tatum has resigned effective immediately and part-time custodian Jessica Webb has resigned effective July 31st. During a closed session, the board employed Erin Hunolt as guidance counselor; voted to hire two bus drivers; and filled several extracurricular positions for the coming school year.

A special meeting of the Grundy R-5 school board will be held at 12 noon on June 26th to amend the current budget and close out the fiscal year.

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