The Grundy County R-5 Board of Education accepted a bid for mowing at its meeting Wednesday evening. Superintendent Rob Deaver reports the accepted bid was from Chris Novak for $160 per combined mowing of the elementary and high school lawns.
The board approved the transfer of $80,000 from the general fund to the capital projects fund for transportation.
Resignations were accepted from kindergarten through 12th-grade counselor Taylor Ormsby, effective at the end of her contract, and from junior high and high school girls basketball coach Letta Fordyce. Fordyce has coached girls basketball for three seasons.
The oath of office was administered to board members Opie Peterson and Allen Berry for their three-year terms and Donnie Fordyce for a one-year unexpired term. The board reorganized with Alex Peterson elected president, Mike Herrold vice president, Abe Carver treasurer, and Opie Peterson as secretary.
In a closed session, all non-certified personnel were re-hired with unanimous votes, except for high school custodian Gene Schreffler who received a no vote from Allen Berry.
The board offered extended contracts for various positions with unanimous votes, except for special education instructor Melody Prescott’s one-month extension who received a no vote from Opie Peterson. The board also voted to offer a contract for the elementary principal’s position for next school year and a contract for seventh through 12th-grade science teacher. Names will be released upon receipt of signed contracts.