Grundy County Sheriff Rodney Herring is reporting a “great response from our last warrant round up post. In a continued effort to clear up some of our active warrants, we will be publishing all of our wanted persons’ names for the next several weeks.”
This week the department is profiling D, E, F, G, H and I names with active warrants. It is believed that most of these subjects are no longer in the area.
If you know the whereabouts of the below wanted subjects, please call the Sheriff’s Office with the information. 660-359-2828.
Dana, Gregory Joseph W/M/59 DWR-DWS 2nd Off.
Davis, Wes Lee W/M/26 Theft/Stealing
Dejesus, Robert W/M/48 No Fincl. Respons.
Dickerson, Byron Ray B/M/49 Non Support x 4
Dios, Pedro De W/M/53 Non-Support
Dixson, William Scott W/M/41 Bad Checks x3
Dow Jr., Grover, Clifton W/M/39 Trepass
Dowling, Robert James W/M/84 Child Molestation
Driggs, Eugene Lee W/M/53 Poss of Drug Paraph
Dupont, Sandra E. W/F/55 Bad Checks
Eads, Onis Regina W/F/48 Bad Checks
Eason, Samie Lee W/M/55 ID Theft/Drug Parah.
Elam, Preston W/M/36 Bad Checks x 2
Estrada, Steven Andrew W/M/44 Bad Checks
Ewing, Gina Christine W/F/47 Bad Checks
Fehring, Connie Lou W/F/57 Bad Checks x2
Fitzpatrick, Amy May W/F/35 Seatbelt
Franklin, Rachel Louise W/F/35 Make False Report
Fulkerson, Ashley Dene W/F/26 Atmp Stealing M.V.
Gibson, James Thomas W/M/37 DWR
Ging, Greg Lynn W/M/50 Non-Support
Goodwin, Regina Louise W/F/45 No Child Seatbelt
Gregory, Laura W/F/48 Bad Checks
Gullick, Gregory B/M/49 No Valid Lic.
Gutierrez, Nicolas A. H/M/37 DWI
Hacker, Kimberly W/F/23 Bad Checks
Hall, Chadwick Reese W/M/40 Bad Checks – x3
Hall, Charlie Noel W/M/20 Tamper w/ M.V.
Hanen, Chris A. ?/?/? Bad Checks
Harding, Jessie Matthew W/M/33 DWR/DWS
Herbert, Paul Eugene W/M/47 Financial Respon
Herring, Ronald W/M/65 Bad Checks
Hilt, Christopher Gerald W/M/31 No Valid License
Hines, Ronald D W/M/30 Non-Support
Hines, Steven James W/M/65 No Finan Respon
Hirsch, Megan Christine W/F/25 No Valid License
Hogg, Heather Helena W/F/34 Theft/prop damage
Hughes, Gilbert Leroy W/M/47 DWR
Ibarra, Krystal Meraz W/F/26 Checks
Ince, Maria Cheri W/F/24 Seatbelt