The new budget projects expenses to exceed revenue by $290,000.
But in watching spending during the year, and hoping for increased revenue, like with county sales tax funds, Commissioners hope the budget will again balance by the end of the calendar year. Just like last year when a $71,000 net was noted after the year began with a projected deficit.
The new budget includes a two percent increase in salaries of hourly employees.
There’s an eight percent increase in medical insurance for employees. $105,000 is listed for a 2017 chassis with remounting of the box for an ambulance. $22,500 is listed for a replacement pickup for the sheriff’s department. And $40,000 was pledged by Grundy County, but not allocated, for economic development.
CART rock money remains at $200,000 to be divided among the townships.
Funds also are budgeted for materials on replacement of the Coon Creek bridge. County road and bridge crew will do the labor for the 110-foot long bridge in Madison township.
As in recent years, the budget includes transfers from the ambulance fund– this time $200,000 to general revenue and $50,000 to the 911 fund.
Total projected revenues for all funds, including carryover, is more than $7,202,111.
Commissioners Rick Hull and Joe Brinser voted to approve the budget.
Don Sager was absent due to illness but was described as supportive.