Green City Fourth of July Celebration to kick off Sunday

Independence Day
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The Green City Fourth of July Celebration starts this weekend with Church in the Park to be held Sunday morning, and a Western variety show with lunch be held in the afternoon.

Activities next Wednesday, July 4th, include the Lady Lions Breakfast; a pie contest; Lovett Law Office open house; the John T. McCarty Memorial Car, Motorcycle, Truck, and Tractor Show; and kiddie and big parades.

Glen and Marsha Simmons will be the Grand Marshals for the big parade.

That afternoon and evening will include lunch in the park, a pitch tournament, Carroll Walker with an archery demo, Bingo, three-on-three basketball, the Ronald D. Kelley Memorial Frog Jump, a tennis ball roll, a kids pedal pull, a fish fry in the park, Mister and Miss Firecracker, Red Brush, and fireworks.

Then a slow pitch softball tournament will be held in Green City July 6th and 7th.

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