Grand River Technical School administrator receives national award

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An administrator at Grand River Technical School of Chillicothe has received a national award.

School Director Jayme Caughron received the Family, Career, and Community Leaders National Outstanding Administrator Award at the National Leadership Conference last week. Caughron was one of two winners who received the Missouri Outstanding Administrator Award at the State FCCLA Conference in April.

Caughron has been a career and technical educator for 28 years and has served as a business instructor in rural comprehensive high schools. She began teaching business technology at Grand River Technical School in 1997 and became the assistant director in 2004 and director in 2013.

Caughron accompanied Chillicothe R-2 Family and Consumer Sciences Instructor and FCCLA Advisor Kristi Christy and FCCLA members Julian Hughes, Olivia Lamp, and Ainsley Christy to the national conference.

Hughes received a gold rating and second place overall in Recycle and Redesign and is a GRTS student in the Hospitality and Tourism Management program.

An estimated 7,000 youth attended the National Leadership Conference.

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