Grand River Garden Club to sponsor the Floriculture Show at the North Central Missouri Fair

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The Grand River Garden Club will sponsor the Floriculture Show at the North Central Missouri Fair.

Gardeners can submit entries at the Trenton Rock Barn the morning of August 1st from 8:30 to 10:30. Categories include container grown, roses, annuals, perennials, bulbs and tubers, shrubs and vines, herbs, grasses, and design.

Chairperson Dorothy Taul says flower experts will begin judging entries August 1st at 11:30. The standard awards of blue, red, and white ribbons will be given as well as several special awards.

The special awards include Best of Show, Junior Award, Most Unusual Flower/Plant, and Grand River Garden Club Member Award. The Taul family will also present a junior and senior Creative Flower Award in honor of Betty Taul.

Floriculture Show entries should be removed from the Rock Barn August 3rd between noon and 1 o’clock.

Contact Chairperson Dorothy Taul for more information at 660-359-7088.

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