Governor Parson grants 29 pardons, commutes 1 sentence

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On Monday, February 28, 2022, Governor Mike Parson granted 29 pardons and approved one commutation pursuant to Article IV, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Missouri. 

Official documents have been filed with the appropriate government agencies and are being sent to the individuals.


  1. Robert Midgyett
  2. Jeffrey Bragg
  3. Sharr Ford
  4. Lawrence Tindall
  5. Angela France
  6. Gary Rambo
  7. Ian Kable
  8. Edward Partee
  9. Gary Campbell
  10. Anita Ramirez
  11. Doyle Webb
  12. Brian Knapp
  13. Edmund Reddish
  14. Dennis Lucas
  15. William Harris
  16. Emily Bates-Griggs
  17. Karen Short
  18. Juan Irizarry
  19. Thomas Ireland
  20. Dean Howery
  21. Dannie Weathers
  22. Eli West
  23. Diane O’Guinn-Sherrod
  24. Nathan McFarlane
  25. John Lewis
  26. Jennifer Corbin
  27. Jodi Dupree-VanHoutan
  28. Jimmy Blackburn
  29. William Engler


1) Charles Coonce

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