The Gallatin Board of Aldermen approved a resolution Monday evening adopting the revised employee handbook and safety manual.
Police Chief Mark Richards reported police officers have issued summons for code violations not corrected after given notice. He said other residents were contacted regarding grass, but the weather has slowed mowing.
Public Works Director Mark Morey reported he and Richards addressed and investigated a water meter tampering incident and that the resident will be prosecuted.
Street crews have used about 120 tons of cold mix patching potholes and also addressed drainage problems with road tubes. Electric crews replaced several electric poles and fixed identified street lights that were not working. It was requested the police department do another check of street lights during the night shift.
A discussion was held regarding the renting of a vacuum excavation system. Morey is working with contractors regarding the carbon dioxide tank problems. It was reported the walls of the new water plant are leaking in places that were previously treated.
Morey said there was no major damage at the sewer plant due to flooding. Crews have relocated outlets for the ultraviolet panels to avoid minor flooding in the future.
The board discussed the cupola building regarding insurance and the roof leaking. Administrator Lance Rains will work with the Missouri Intergovernmental Risk Management Association regarding liability insurance for the Friends of Gallatin.
There was a discussion on obtaining approval from the United States Department of Agriculture regarding the outstanding contingency funds in the water plant construction account. The board also discussed possible refinancing of Gallatin’s sewer bonds and projects that could be funded through the savings if the city could refinance.
Certified Public Accountant John Gillum presented the audit of financial statements for the fiscal year that ended December 31st, 2018. A special meeting will be held Thursday, June 26, 2019, at 4 o’clock to finish reviewing the 2018 audit.
Liz Grove with the Missouri Rural Water Association presented a completed rate study for Gallatin’s water and wastewater systems.