Fire destroys barn west of Chillicothe

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Fire Saturday, August 6th destroyed a barn west of Chillicothe off Livingston County road 525.

Chillicothe firefighters received a call of an approximate 24 by 30-foot hay barn on fire, and while en-route, were told the fire was close to a house and a propane tank. Firefighters arrived o the scene to find the barn fully involved, and already collapsed.

Approximately ten thousand gallons of water were used to extinguish the blaze with no damage reported to the house and the propane tank.

The Chula and Lock Springs fire departments assisted firefighters with water tankers and personnel.

The owner and resident of the property was reported as Jeff Cooley at 10833 LIV 525.

Cooley was quoted as saying the estimated loss of the building and contents was $40,000.

Chillicothe Fire Chief Darrell Wright reports the cause of the fire was unknown and not suspicious in nature.

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Randall Mann

Randall has been with KTTN/KGOZ for almost 20 years. He is the current Engineer for all of the stations, as well as working "on-air" from 6 to 10, am in the morning. Randall does a bit of everything including producing advertisements as well as writing the occasional news article. Randall is also the current Webmaster for the studio as well as the local graphic artist.

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