Several members of the Trenton FFA chapter recently attended Missouri FFA Leadership Camp at Camp Rising Sun in Lake of the Ozarks State Park June 11 through the 15th.
Members attended leadership sessions throughout the week, led by the camp leadership director and state FFA officers. Members learned about building a strong foundation for their FFA chapter and for their futures. Members participated in numerous events throughout the week, such as trapshooting, archery, waterfront activities, and speaking competitions.
Several Trenton FFA members earned their State FFA Camp leadership medal by attending elective leadership sessions throughout the week and instructional activities.
Members earning their leadership medal were Melea Farmer, Laura Carlson, Allena Allen, Matthew Slater, Jake McNabb, and Camdyn Leeper. Nick Velazquez was also recognized as one of the week’s “All-Around Campers”.
Trenton FFA members attending FFA camp included Melea Farmer, Allena Allen, Laura Carlson, Adreanna Gard, Nick Velazquez, Jake McNabb, Camdyn Lee per, Matthew Slater, and Trinity Gaunt.
Four incoming Trenton FFA sophomores, Jaycie Griffin, Chase Otto, Olivia Roberts and Camdyn Leeper, had the opportunity to attend Missouri FFA HYMAX academy at Camp Rising Sun at the Lake of the Ozarks.
HYMAX stands for “Helping Youth Maximize Agricultural Experiences” and is designed to teach students how to advocate for agriculture, gain leadership skills, and how to better grow their SAE project.
These four were part of a group of 100 Greenhand FFA members from across the state who were selected to attend the academy.
Three Trenton FFA members recently attended the Missouri FFA Public Speaking Academy, held on the University of Central Missouri campus June 5 through the 7th.
FFA members learned how to properly prepare and deliver a speech as well as focusing on agricultural topics. On the final day of the academy, students took their finished speeches and put them to work in competition with Nick Velazquez placing third in the advanced division.
Trenton FFA members attending Public Speaking Academy were Olivia Roberts, Camdyn Leeper, and Nick Velazquez.