The Chillicothe Fire Department responded to a fire alarm at Strand Apartments Friday morning.
Captain Derrick Allen reports nothing out of the ordinary was indicated upon arrival to 716 Clay Street. A fire alarm box showed the source of the fire was in Room 203, so firefighters went to that room to reset the fire alarm.
Ladder 2 staged on the west side of the building, and one of the firefighters reportedly notified Allen that there was smoke in the hall. The fire was completely out when Allen arrived at the room. Approximately five mail letters had been on fire, and the resident put out the fire with an extinguisher. He notes it appeared the resident left a cigarette unattended, which caught the mail on fire.
Ladder 2 was put back into service, and crews used the resident’s fan to clear remaining smoke out of the room. Allen says he informed the resident of the dangers of leaving cigarettes close to combustible material.
The Chillicothe Fire Department was on scene about 10 minutes. The owner of 716 Clay Street as Pam Kinnison.