The Chillicothe City Council will consider approval of ordinances involving zoning and a topographical survey. The council will meet at the Chillicothe Municipal Utilities meeting room on Monday, February 14th at 5:30 pm.
One ordinance would amend the zoning of a portion of the property at 1500 Third Street from P-1 Public to R-3 High-Density New Multi-Family Residential for a senior housing project. The other ordinance would accept a contract with All-State Consultants to conduct a topographical survey at the new industrial park ground.
Other items on the agenda include the annual YMCA Service Contract Report, approval of a policy accepting new changes to the Missouri Driving While Intoxicated Grant, and approval of declaring computer hardware and monitors surplus for Green Hills Communications to properly dispose of.
The agenda for the Chillicothe City Council meeting on February 14th also includes a closed session to consider legal action, causes of action or litigation, and any confidential or privileged communications, employees and/or personnel, and sealed proposals and related documents to a negotiated contract.