Cameron Public Library Selected as Charter Member of Makerspaces Project

Cameron Public Library website
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Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and the Missouri State Library are pleased to announce that the Cameron Public Library has been selected to be a charter member of the New Face of Library Makerspaces by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) in partnership with CALIFA, Nation of Makers, Reguallium Consulting, P. Van Halsema Consulting, and Rockman, et al.

The Cameron Public Library started its makerspace program with a grant from the Missouri State Library in 2018. Since that time, they have continued to build their program.

“Libraries have become our town squares. They are social places where people can come together, meet, and participate,” said Ashcroft. “Our public libraries are a way in which we actualize potential. Makerspaces allow for endless possibilities in our communities; they encourage innovation, creativity and are especially valuable to our youth.”  

“There is an obvious link between STEM programming and learning by doing that is critical to child development. Public libraries, in collaboration with schools, play an important role in fostering a love for science, technology, engineering, and math,” said State Librarian Robin Westphal.

Cameron Public Library was chosen as a charter member from amongst 31 applicants and is the only library in the state of Missouri to be chosen.

“We are very excited to work with such a diverse group of libraries to help develop this organization. We believe this will become a resource for libraries of all sizes to find the inspiration and support to build thriving makerspaces of their own with the common goal of bringing creative opportunities to their patrons,” said Jennifer Ensign, Children’s Programming Coordinator at Cameron Public Library.

The New Face of Library Makerspaces project, which aims to build a diverse national collective of library makerspace professionals, will begin with a backbone group of institutional charter members who will work together to define the vision and values of this new organization, and design the first platforms for interaction, resources sharing, collaboration, and networking.


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