Better Woman Conference set for February 22nd and 23rd in Trenton

Better Women's Conference
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The 10th Annual Better Woman Conference will be held in Trenton next month.

Inspirational speaker, teacher, author, dramatist, and comedienne Shari Minke will speak at the conference at the First Assembly of God Church February 22nd and 23rd.

The Friday evening of the conference will include dinner at 6 o’clock followed by the service from 7 to 9 o’clock. Saturday morning will include breakfast at 9 o’clock and the service from 10 o’clock to 11:45.

Doors will open one hour before each meal to allow attendees to browse vendor tables. There will also be door prizes. Tickets cost $20.00 and will admit women to both sessions, however, they do not have to attend both days. Tickets can be purchased at the First Assembly of God’s office Monday through Thursday from 9 to 4 o’clock, Friday from 9 o’clock to noon, or at the door of the event.

Table decorating coordinator Connie Olmstead invites women to join her with decorating dinner tables. Those interested in decorating should contact Olmstead at 660-359-4160.

Call the First Assembly of God Church for more information on the Better Woman Conference at 660-359-4400.

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