The June weather summary in Trenton indicates above normal rainfall with low temperatures also above normal, but only slightly. High temperatures were below average and rainfall during the month of June in Trenton totaled 6.13 inches, which is 1.64 inches above normal. Much of the monthly precipitation fell on June 22nd and 23rd.
The 6.13 of rain last month included 2.65 inches on June 22nd, which was a record for that date. There was another 1.55 the following day, June 23rd. The 6.13 of rain in June brought the yearly precipitation total to 32.36 inches of rain and melted precipitation, which is 13.87 inches above normal for the year.
It’s a sharp contrast to last year when Trenton received 8.02 inches of melted precipitation in the first six months of the year, meaning Trenton’s moisture this year is 24.34 inches greater than a year ago at this time. Precipitation this year in Trenton has been above normal each month except for the month of April, which was below average.
High temperatures during June in Trenton averaged 82.6 degrees which is nearly two degrees cooler than normal. Low temperatures averaged nearly 64 degrees, which was nearly one degree warmer than typical. The warmest temperatures in June were 93 degrees on the final two days of the month. The coolest temperatures recorded in June were 56 on June 3rd and June 10th.
Entering June, the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center reported above normal precipitation was slightly favored for our area in June, which turned out to be accurate. The center had given us equal chances for above, below, or near normal temperatures in June. As we mentioned above, highs were below average by nearly two degrees and lows were above normal by nearly one degree.
The Climate Prediction Center’s outlook for July in northern Missouri calls for below average temperatures and above normal precipitation.