August rainfall over 5 inches above average

Rainfall with person holding umbrella
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Rainfall at Trenton during August totaled 10.02 inches, which was the fourth highest amount for august at Trenton since 1970 when we began keeping monthly precipitation records.

Ranking higher than this year were 10.47 inches in 1977, 10.37 inches in 2004, and 10.06 inches in 1987.

The 10.02-inch measurement was 5.58 inches above average for August at Trenton with measurable rainfall on 16 of the 31 days, with three other days having trace amounts of precipitation.

Highs averaged 85 and lows averaged 67.5 degrees with daytime high temperatures two degrees below normal. Lows were slightly over three degrees above typical.

The hottest temperatures during August at the government reporting station were 98 on August 4th and 97 on August 11th.

The coolest temperature at Trenton in August was 57 degrees on August 22nd.

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Randall Mann

Randall has been with KTTN/KGOZ for almost 20 years. He is the current Engineer for all of the stations, as well as working "on-air" from 6 to 10, am in the morning. Randall does a bit of everything including producing advertisements as well as writing the occasional news article. Randall is also the current Webmaster for the studio as well as the local graphic artist.

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