Audio: Trenton Municipal Utilities facing $2.5 million in upgrades to aging water treatment plant

Trenton Water Treatment Plant
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Trenton Municipal Utilities is facing issues involving its aging water treatment plant in West Trenton. Preliminary plans are being formed to make upgrades to the two clarifier basins.

TMU Director Ron Urton spoke more on the issue.



Urton spoke of an issue at one basin that developed last month but was resolved.



Urton said two and a half million dollars is a very preliminary cost estimate for needed upgrades to the water plant. Financing is to include the borrowing of money and past increases in water rates.

Trenton Municipal Utilities Director Ron Urton discusses the planning that is underway for a major upgrade to the basins at the water treatment plant and provided a potential cost estimate.



Urton noted replacement parts are specialized and require a long wait when they are ordered.



An engineering firm is working on preliminary plans for the water plant improvements.



Urton also noted facilities like the water treatment plant and the sewer plant are heavily regulated by government organizations such as the DNR.



Trenton City Administrator and Utility Director Ron Urton.


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