Audio: Superintendent Dan Wiebers on the passing of Trenton R-9 School District levy

Trenton R-9 School District
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Patrons of the Trenton R-9 School District approved the district’s no tax increase levy issue by 71% Tuesday.

The levy will allow the debt service levy to remain at 90 cents and allow the school district to borrow seven million dollars to complete several capital projects.

Superintendent Dan Wiebers says he is “excited” and “very pleased” the issue passed and believes it will be “great” for the community and Trenton R-9 students.



The construction projects include a performing arts center and library renovation at the Trenton High School and Middle School, S. M. Rissler Elementary School safe entrance and office renovation, and a concession and restroom facility at C. F. Russell Stadium.

Wiebers plans to discuss the passage of the levy at the board of education meeting next week.



Wiebers says it will “take some time” to complete the projects and thinks the projects will be complete in about a year to a year and a half.




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