Audio: State Representative Hicks refiling Marijuana Freedom Act

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State Representative Ron Hicks is refiling his Marijuana Freedom Act



The legalization of recreational marijuana may be back on the table before Missourians get a chance to make that decision on Amendment 3 in November. Despite Governor Mike Parson’s indication that it will not be a subject for the current special session, State Representative Ron Hicks (R-St. Charles) has refiled his Marijuana Freedom Act. The Republican from ST. Charles says he hopes legislative action on his measure will incentivize the Governor to support his legislation. Hicks also says our state’s constitution should not be used to “sustain monopolies in the marijuana market or enshrine criminal or civil penalties in the constitution.”

As it stands now, Amendment 3 will allow Missourians to decide whether to vote to decriminalize many current pot offenses and expungement of some non-violent marijuana crimes and convictions.”

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