Audio: Missouri House expected to debate “Sliced Bread” legislation on Wednesday

Sliced Bread Day Chillicothe Missouri
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The Missouri House could vote today (Wednesday) on legislation designating July 7th of each year as “Missouri Sliced Bread Day.” Brian Hauswirth reports the designation would recognize a northwest Missouri town.



Chillicothe is the county seat in Livingston County and has a population of about 93-hundred. Chillicothe State Representative Rusty Black is sponsoring the bill, which is identical to 2018 legislation. Black says the first sale of sliced bread happened almost 91 years ago, in Chillicothe. He says the first automatic bread-slicing and bread-wrapping machine was first used in the town.

There’s a large mural in downtown Chillicothe which reads “Home of Sliced Bread: Chillicothe, Missouri.”

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