Audio: Missouri House Committee hears Bill involving daycare facilities and sex offenders

Sex Offender
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Legislation that would allow Missouri officials to reject a daycare facility’s license application if it’s too close to sex offenders has the backing of a Sedalia nursing home with 17 registered sex offenders. Four Seasons Living Center lobbyist Jack Dalton testifies a daycare facility wants to open right next to his facility.



The nursing home is called Four Seasons Living Center. Its lobbyist, Jack Dalton, testifies 17 sex offenders live there, and that “some of them may be more aggressive.” Dalton says the daycare would be 12 feet from his facility.



Legislation that would give state officials authority to reject an application from a daycare center wanting to locate near sex offenders has the backing of “Kids Win Missouri”, a coalition dedicated to improving the well-being of children. “Kids Win Missouri” policy director Craig Stevenson testifies the proposal would be another tool in the toolbox of state officials.



Nursing home lobbyist Jack Dalton supports the bill, saying it’s about protecting children.

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