The Thompson River near Trenton has started to recede and Grundy County Emergency Management Director Glen Briggs says he hopes the river will be “back to normal” soon and advises residents to be careful on area roads.
Grundy County Emergency Management and the Grundy County Commission have been assessing flood damage the last few days. Presiding Commissioner Phillip Ray says flood damage is widespread, but he does not know of any structural damage to county bridges.
The commission has talked to townships and wants to make sure channels are followed for documentation for a disaster declaration.
The state wants information on preliminary flood damage assessments by Tuesday afternoon, June 4th at 4 o’clock. The commission will do what it has to in order to get assistance for those who need it.
Briggs says the state will collect information from all counties and compile it to request federal assistance and he believes the state will exceed or has already exceeded, an eight and a half million dollar threshold for another application for a federal disaster declaration.
Briggs says Grundy County would submit a preliminary damage amount to the state.
Taxing entities and non-profits can contact the commission or emergency management at the Grundy County Courthouse in Trenton to start the process.
The phone number for the courthouse is 359-4040 and Briggs adds documentation can include writing, photos, and videos.