The annual mass mailing to more than 6,000 Trenton High School alums will be held in April to prepare for the Labor Day Alumni Weekend.
Volunteers are invited to assist in the mailing scheduled in the Trenton High School Commons the afternoon of April 7th at 1:30. The general letter, envelopes, and mailing labels will be available for completing individual class mailings. Classes will also have an opportunity to include a one-page letter announcing their respective reunion plans.
THS Alumni Association Secretary Steve Maxey says all volunteers are appreciated, and it is not just for the classes celebrating a special reunion. The deadline to update class mailing lists is March 17th. Classes are asked to submit any changes to John Holcomb by that date for class labels to be prepared.
Individuals may contact Holcomb to pick up mailing lists or for more information at 660-359-1838 or by emailing Questions may also be directed to Maxey at 660-359-7244.