Agriculture Contests to be held on North Central Missouri College campus

NCMC - North Central Missouri College
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More than 70 area high schools with an estimated 1,650 agriculture students are pre-registered to be on the campus of North Central Missouri College in Trenton this Thursday, March 21st for the annual NCMC Ag Club Contests. 

The event is held in cooperation with Area 2 FFA Association Agriculture Instructors.  Students will be practicing their judging skills in preparation for further judging competitions in the areas of agronomy, dairy foods, entomology, farm management, forestry, floriculture, horses, livestock, meats, nursery, poultry, soils, and FFA Knowledge.  All contests begin at 9:30 a.m. on the main college campus and the Barton Farm Campus south of Trenton.

As the participants will be on their own for lunch, the College encourages area restaurants to expect large crowds during the noon hour.  In addition, college personnel, students, and area patrons are urged not to park near the Ketcham Community Center on Thursday as many school buses are expected to be parked there.

The basketball courts at the Ketcham Community Center will close at noon on Wednesday and the track and weights will close at 7:30 a.m. Thursday morning to allow for contest set-ups.  The track/weights will re-open at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday.  The cardio room downstairs in the KCC will not close.

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