Members of the Spickard Board of Aldermen learned at a meeting last night that Rapid Removal is raising its fee for trash removal services at Spickard.
Minutes provided by the city clerk indicate Rapid Removal is facing rising costs with motor vehicle fuel and landfills. A motion was made and unanimously approved to sign a new contract with Rapid Removal. A dumpster will be kept at Spickard City Hall.
Another motion was made and unanimously approved to charge $16 per trash toter per month and seven dollars for each extra toter starting December 1st. A toter is a two-wheeled garbage container with an axle and attached lid.
In the sewer system report, a motion was approved to have Fluid Equipment Company fix all problems with the south lift station. Another motion was approved to buy an electric well pump for meter reads. Both motions were approved unanimously.
It was noted the water loss at Spickard was nine point four percent.
The next meeting of the Spickard aldermen will be December 6, at 6 pm. The candidate filing period begins December 7th and concludes December 28th. The office for the city clerk will be open Mondays and Tuesdays from 1 to 4 o’clock for those interested in filing. If a different date or time is needed, persons are to contact the city hall and make an appointment. Two aldermen positions will be on the town of Spickard ballot in the election on April 5th.