The Grundy County R-5 Board of Education on December 14th approved an insurance quote for Missouri United School Insurance Council general liability coverage for the district. The cost for the standard policy is $37,804. A $4 million umbrella policy was also approved at $1,536.
The board approved the Return to Instruction Plan and the test to stay program for students and staff who are considered COVID-19 close contacts.
The board also reviewed a $34,000 grant Grundy R-5 received from the Department of Health and Senior Services regarding COVID-19.
Daya Allnutt was approved as the Missouri School Boards Association Belcher Scholarship representative for Grundy R-5.
Hard surface bus routes were approved for the year.
The board discussed the final items to complete the bus barn. Some dirt work, the main doors, and rock still have to be done.
A report was given on two board openings. Opie Peterson had filed as an incumbent. No one else had filed.
After a closed session, the board approved the resignation of Whitley Richmond as a part-time music teacher. The employment was approved for Megan Peterson as a part-time music instructor.