Chillicothe City Council to meet on Monday

2021 City of Chillicothe website 2021
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The Chillicothe City Council will hold a public hearing and have a resolution to consider multifamily housing revenue bonds not to exceed $15,000,000. The hearing will be held in the Chillicothe Municipal utility meeting room on Monday, December 13, 2021, at 5:30 pm.

Ordinances on the agenda would approve and accept a final plat of the Orscheln Subdivision, approve a conditional use permit to operate a meal delivery service at 302 West Harvest Drive, and renew the current group health insurance plans. Other items on the agenda include a presentation of a certificate of service to Rolfe McCoy for his service on the Board of Public Works, declaring certain items surplus, and a presentation of new proposed ward boundaries.

The Chillicothe City Council meeting on December 13th is also to include a closed session for real estate and employees and/or personnel.

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