Trenton City Council adopts ordinance, amends others

Trenton, Missouri sign at entrance to city
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With little discussion this time, the Trenton City Council last night adopted an ordinance to prohibit horses, buggies, and riders from traveling Harris Avenue between East 13th Court and 17th street. This is in lieu of the possibility of having the horses outfitted with manure bags.

The council amended a section about the city municipal court to allow the associate circuit court judge to allow for payment of a fine on an installment basis.

The council amended another ordinance to better clarify citizen responsibilities in mowing the city or state right of way.

City Administrator Ron Urton and Comptroller Rosetta Marsh were appointed to represent Trenton with the Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission.

The council agreed to advertise for bids to purchase a sludge trailer for the waste water plant. Bids will then be presented to the utility committee for review before final action is taken by the council.

Bob Hutchinson and Utility Director Ron Urton presented information on the city possibly leasing a John Deere tractor from Sydenstrickers’ of Chillicothe. The proposed costs with John Deere were described as much less than quotes from Case IH and Kubota dealers of the area.

Urton reported a request for qualifications has been made regarding Trenton’s’ effluent disinfection project due to be completed by July of 2019. The utility committee will review responses.

Bids are due February 7 to install two 12-inch raw water valves which help with the maintenance of contact basins at the Trenton water plant.

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