THS picks up five “1” ratings in music competitions

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The Trenton High School Instrumental Music Department has five ratings of “1” during district evaluations for solo’s and small ensembles.

Soloists earning a top rating of “1” during Saturday’s evaluations in St. Joseph were senior Jose Barron on trumpet, junior tuba player Jasmyn French, sophomore violinist Claire Utley, and freshman Jaima Knight on flute.  The saxophone sextet of Jonathan Burnfin, Jacob Davis, Tomi Delp, Zackery Maberry, Wyatt Neal, and  Claire Utley also earned a top rating of “1”, which is called “exemplary”.

Those receiving a “1” rating advance to state evaluations on Friday, April 29th in Columbia.

The Trenton Instrumental Music Department had 23 entries receive ratings of “2”, which is called “outstanding”.  Twenty-one of those were solo’s and two were flute trio’s.

A percussion orchestra, brass choir, and woodwind choir from Trenton will be judged on Tuesday in St. Joseph.  Trenton’s full band will be evaluated Wednesday in Maryville.  Those larger units receive their state ratings at those events on Tuesday and Wednesday.


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