North Mercer Board of Education approves property tax levy

North Mercer Board of Education accepts four resignations, adds baseball for 2017
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The North Mercer Board of Education has set the district’s property tax levy at nearly $3.97 on the one hundred dollars of assessed valuation, which is nearly sixteen cents lower than last year.

The assessed valuation in the North Mercer district is up by more than $2,000,000 compared to last year, with this year’s assessed valuation topping $17,000,000.

The board set the tuition rate for the upcoming school year at $3,000, however, current tuition for students will remain at the rate when they enrolled. Since 2012 the rate has been $500.00 per semester or $1,000 per year.

The board updated the teacher resignation policy to include penalties for leaving the district after signing a contract. Those penalties are $2,500 after July 1st, and $5,000 after August 1st, with increasing amounts of $1,000 a day after August 10th. The policy takes effect on Friday, August 12.

The board employed Terry Bomgarner of Mercer as a half-time high school secretary, Jamie Nelson of Princeton as a paraprofessional, and Deb Moore of Mercer as a salad bar attendant.

Bids were accepted from Anderson-Erickson to provide milk and juice as well as from Bimbo Bakery of Kansas City for bread products.

Classes begin August 17th at North Mercer.

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Randall Mann

Randall has been with KTTN/KGOZ for almost 20 years. He is the current Engineer for all of the stations, as well as working "on-air" from 6 to 10, am in the morning. Randall does a bit of everything including producing advertisements as well as writing the occasional news article. Randall is also the current Webmaster for the studio as well as the local graphic artist.

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