City of Trenton hires rural Trenton man as City Administrator/Utility Director

City of Trenton
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The city of Trenton today announced employment of a rural Trenton man for the combined position of City Administrator and Utility Director.

Ron Urton begins duties for the city of Trenton on December 5th. Urton grew up in the Trenton area, graduated from Trenton high school and attended North Central Missouri College.

Urton has worked on projects across north Missouri for more than 20 years as a civil engineer / project manager.

Ron Urton is employed with the Howe Company, an engineering firm that’s headquartered in Macon. Most recently, he represented Howe Engineering in working with Grundy County on demolition and then replacement of the Charlie Dye bridge just outside the Trenton city limits.

The beginning salary for Ron Urton is $85,000 with his employment approved on a five to one vote of the Trenton City Council last Thursday night. In favor were Councilmen Travis Elbert, David Mlika, Mark Moore Larry Porter, and Brad Chumbley. Absent were Councilmen Scott Blair and Jen Hottes. Councilman Allan Quilty voted no because he felt the salary offered wasn’t enough for two positions. Quilty told KTTN today that he favored selection of Urton but was concerned about the initial compensation being offered.

Ron Urton resides on a family farm west of Trenton. The city council is expected to change the residency requirement for the City Administrator position.

Cindy Simpson has been interim city administrator, in addition to duties as city clerk, since Kerry Sampson retired April 30.

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