Audio: Mayor Nick McHargue clarifies acceptance of pickup purchase bid by city council

Trenton, Missouri sign at entrance to city
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Trenton Mayor Nick McHargue has issued a statement to clarify the city’s acceptance of a bid on the purchase of a pickup truck for use by the Trenton Municipal Electric distribution department.

The city council Monday night accepted a local bid from Barnes Baker of Trenton that appeared to the media and the public to be $1,500 higher than the low bid submitted by Pettijohn Auto of Bethany.

Both dealers bid on a 2017 Ford, three-quarter ton, four by four pickup truck.

Doctor McHargue told KTTN that he’s accepting the blame for not comparing the two bids close enough.



The difference in bids is one included the state discount and the other had not.

The truck is being purchased for $24,000 which is within the amount budgeted by TMU.

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